engagement photographer venice italy

Gondola Proposal Venice – Danny & Melissa

Danny & Melissa from the U.S. share a beautiful love story. They first met years ago at their mutual friend’s birthday party. Danny noticed Melissa as soon as she joined the party – he remembers she looked beautiful. Today, after years that has passed, he remembers every detail of the outfit she had on that night. He also remembers how mesmerised he was when they started talking. Melissa has always been able to hold this wonderful, interesting conversation. Danny remembers he thought Melissa was the kind of girl he would like to take out to a nice restaurant. They were both 20. Melissa was all mature with her feet on the ground. Danny felt still young, wild and free. He decided he wasn’t ready for her yet. That night ended and they never saw each other for two years – until their friend threw another birthday party again. They were both invited to his birthday dinner and ended up sitting together. That night Melissa said she saw Danny completely different and more mature. She said that was the first night she had ever been attracted to him. That night the whole group planned a trip to Las Vegas and invited both of them to join.

Danny took that trip as his chance to finally make his move on Melissa. The second night they were in Vegas, all dressed up – Melissa paid Danny a nice compliment. This gave him the confidence to make his move that night. As they were dancing reggae by the bar he turned her around and went for a kiss. She moved her face away and asked “what are you doing” and all he could think of saying was “c’mon we’re in Vegas!”. Melissa didn’t like that answer and told Danny to give her two reasons why she should let him kiss her. And that’s when he told her how he felt about her and that he was looking forward to get to know her more because he saw her as a girl he could probably have a relationship with. After he said that he forgot about the second reason and just went for the kiss again. The rest as they say is history…

Few more years had passed and Danny took Melissa all the way down to Europe. He decided he wanted to take her to Italy, hire a beautiful gondola and a photographer in Venice and ask her even more important question than the ‘can I kiss you?’ years before. He did as he planned – he booked his flights, searched for a proposal photographer in Venice and hired me to plan and capture this incredible moment in their lives. He told me his story months before the date of arrival and I couldn’t wait for the day to come! I also couldn’t wait for Melissa to find out about the surprise when in a gondola.

Melissa said ‘yes’.

Their love story continues.

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